While the coronavirus keeps us in lockdown so our hoped for restarting of our meetings have to be postponed. We want to reassure you that Player Playwrights is still active and planning for a vigorous future.
We will aim to meet again for the first time on Monday 5th October. Please put this date in your diary and we will confirm the programme nearer to that date. If social distancing is still a requirement by October, we will contact you all again and make alternative arrangements.
Open Competition
We are launching an Open Competition with a cash prize – details to be issued shortly. This will be for a radio play and offers exciting opportunities for us to think creatively in the current climate. Please look out for our next communication. We will let you know about this closer to the competition launch.
Members can still send in scripts to Francis Beckett (see our website for contact details) for our team of mentors to read. If you are happy to read/mentor other members’ scripts please let Francis know.
This is also a time to re-energise Player Playwrights and to move into a whole new era.
Please do let us have any thoughts about how you would like to see Player Playwrights go forward. Is the old format the right one? Should we focus more on actors? How can we develop a sense of purpose in our writers, actors and committee members? How can we make PP enjoyable and stimulating so that people like joining in? What old habits should we drop? How can we make all members feel included? You tell us. You can use the email address on our website.
Please stay safe and take care of yourself. Hopefully you are all able to use this time to write and we look forward to seeing the resulting plays.